: Why I struggle to use actors Following up on some discussion about why I keep finding myself using Mutex (née …

: Dropped messages in for-await Swift concurrency has a feature called for-await that can iterate over an AsyncSequence. Combine has …

: Externalizing properties to manage retains I have a very simple type in my system. It’s just an immutable struct: public struct …

: A short anecdote on getting answers on the modern internet This post is way off topic, and a bit in the weeds, and maybe even a bit silly, which is why …

: A Reminder About NSRange and String The NSRange for a full string is NSRange(location: 0, length: (text as NSString).length). You cannot …

: Big-O matters, but it's often memory that's killing your performance. We spend so much time drilling algorithmic complexity. Big-O and all that. But performance is so …

: Pull Requests are a story I’ve been thinking a lot about how to make PRs work better for teams, and a lot of my thinking …

: Solving "Required kernel recording resources are in use by another document" in Instruments So you have a Swift Package Manager project, without an xcodeproj, and you launch Instruments, and …

: Time for something new So, all my tweets about C++ and Rust brings me to a minor announcement. After nearly 6 years with …

: OK, I just fell in 😍 with stdlib’s Result(catching:). extension Request where Response: Decodable { …

: Reminder: If you’re running into limitations with default parameters (for example, the value …